Begin40. Find a solution of a system of linear equations of the form
\(A_1 \cdot x + B_1 \cdot y = C_1,\)
\(A_2 \cdot x + B_2 \cdot y = C_2,\)
given by its coefficients \(A_1, B_1, C_1, A_2, B_2, C2\), if it is known that the given system has a unique solution. Use formulas
\(X = (C_1 \cdot B_2 - C_2 \cdot B_1) / D,\)
\(Y = (A_1 \cdot C_2 - A_2 \cdot C_1) / D,\)
where \(D = A_1 \cdot B2 - A_2 \cdot B_1\).

Solution in Python 3:

import random
import math

r = list(range(-10,0)) + list(range(1,11))
A1 = random.choice(r)
A2 = random.choice(r)
B2 = random.choice(r)
k1 = int(math.floor(A1 * B2 / A2))
k2 = int(math.ceil(A1 * B2 / A2))
r1 = list(range(k1-10,k1)) + list(range(k2,k2+11))
B1 = random.choice(r1)
D = A1*B2 - A2*B1
C1 = random.randrange(-10,11)
r1 = list(range(C1-10,C1)) + list(range(C1+1,C1+11))
C2 = random.choice(r1)

print("A1 = ",A1)
print("B1 = ",B1)
print("C1 = ",C1)
print("A2 = ",A2)
print("B2 = ",B2)
print("C2 = ",C2)
print("D = ",D)
print("({0})x + ({1})y = {2}".format(A1,B1,C1))
print("({0})x + ({1})y = {2}".format(A2,B2,C2))

x = (C1*B2 - C2*B1)/D
y = (A1*C2 - A2*C1)/D
print("x = ",x)
print("y = ",y)
print("Check Equation 1:",A1*x+B1*y)
print("Check Equation 2:",A2*x+B2*y)