Begin39. Find the roots of the quadratic equation \(A \cdot x^2 + B \cdot x + C = 0\), given by its coefficients \(A, B, C\) (the coefficient \(A\) is not 0). It is known that the discriminant of the equation is positive. Print out first the smaller and then the larger of the found roots. The roots of the quadratic equation are found from
\(X_{1,2} = (-B \pm \sqrt{D}) / (2 \cdot A)\),
where \(D\) is the discriminant equal to \(B^2 - 4 \cdot A \cdot C \).

Solution in Python 3:

import random
import math

r = list(range(-10,0)) + list(range(1,11))
A = random.choice(r)
C = random.randrange(-10,11)
B1 = math.ceil(math.sqrt(abs(4*A*C)))
#B = (random.randrange(0,2)-1)*(random.randrange(B1,B1+10))
B = random.randrange(B1,B1+10)
coef = random.choice([-1,1])
A = coef * A
B = coef * B
C = coef * C

print("Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0")
print("A = ",A)
print("B = ",B)
print("C = ",C)

D = B*B - 4*A*C
x1 = (-B - math.sqrt(D))/(2*A)
x2 = (-B + math.sqrt(D))/(2*A)
s = sorted([x1,x2])

print("D = ",D)
print("Check x1:",A*x1*x1+B*x1+C)
print("Check x2:",A*x2*x2+B*x2+C)